
Why does my light bar flicker

How to
Have a flickering light bar? Don't know what to do? There are several possible reasons why a LED light bar can flicker, and this article will walk you through the most common causes. 

Why does my light bar flicker

How to
Have a flickering light bar? Don't know what to do? There are several possible reasons why a LED light bar can flicker, and this article will walk you through the most common causes. 

Boston Whaler LED Marine Lights

Boat Curved Light Bars
If you're into boats, you probably know about Boston Whaler. They're the ones who make those cool foam-filled fiberglass boats that can't sink, eve...

What are LED Light Bars used for?

Buying Guide
If you are looking for a way to improve your visibility and safety on the road, but you don't know where to start? Check out this quick article to bring you up to speed about the LED light bar world. 

Ford F-250 LED Ditch Lights

Ditch Lights
Are you in the market for LED ditch lights for your Ford Super Duty? Then check out how our customer outfitted their truck with a pair of Aurora LED ditch lights.

What is a LED Light Bar

Best Light Bars
If you love to drive off-road at night, you might have wondered what a LED light bar is and how it can improve your visibility and safety while enjoying your favorite trail. This quick article will bring you up to speed so you can knowledgeably make your first light bar purchase.

Zero Turn LED Lights

Ferris mowers are known for their unmatched comfort, durability and quality of cut which is why our customer purchased one for his property. Find out how our customer was able to light up his lawn with bright zero turn LED lights.

Nissan Titan Off Road Lights

We own America's most underrated full-size truck. Check out how we were able to modify this Nissan Titan and add bright off-road lights to the front bumper.

Easy Seaswirl Striper LED Light Upgrade

Boat LED Lights
While the Seaswirl boat manufacture closed in 2011 there are still plenty of these boats on the water. Seaswirl boats are known for their quality b...

John Deere Gator LED Reverse Lights

John Deere
The full-size Gator our customer has, is built to go places where most trucks can’t, so it often means working well into the evening hours. Our customer wanted to make sure he can safely maneuver around objects at night, so he came to us for LED reverse lights for his John Deere Gator.

Ford Excursion Overland Lighting

The Ford Excursion is a vehicle that will go down in history as one of the largest capable off machines to ever exist. One of our customers was building his Ford Excursion for overlanding adventures so he came to us for off road lights for his excursion.

Sailfish Bright Marine Lighting

Boat Curved Light Bars

Own a sailfish boat? Tired of not being able to see channel markers and buoys? Then check out how we helped our customer overcome those challenges on his Sailfish 2360.


Best Amber Light Bar for a Yamaha SXS

Our customer has a Yamaha SXS and was looking to increase his night-time visibility when riding during dusty conditions, check out this article to see what he did to solve that problem.

Best Nissan LED Ditch Lights

Ditch Lights
With the amount of time spent off the pavement our customer wanted to add LED ditch lights to his Nissan Xterra , check out this quick article to see how we helped him achieve his goal.